Celebrating Our Senior Editors

The Article below was published in Vol. 136, Issue 8 of the Lake Forest College Stentor on April 30, 2021.
By Stentor Staff
To celebrate their accomplishments, Stentor staff spoke with graduating members of the editorial board about their time on the paper and their plans for the future. Their responses are printed below.

Emma Overton – Editor-in-Chief and News Editor
Stentor: When did you join the Stentor and why did you decide to join the staff?
Overton: I joined the Stentor the fall of my first year at the College. My first position was as a News writer, and shortly after joining, I moved into the News Editor position. From there, I served as Managing Editor, and finally, as Editor-in-Chief. I decided to join the staff of the Stentor because I wanted to become involved on campus, and I couldn’t think of a better way than to become involved in campus life than reporting news relevant to the campus community.
Stentor: What was your favorite memory/story/article from your time on the staff?
Overton:I have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of being on the staff of the Stentor, but working with the editorial board and staff throughout the pandemic has been a highlight of my experience. Everyone’s dedication and commitment to the Stentor was on full display as we worked together to continue publication and eventually return to print publication. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to work with such amazing people and have a supportive campus community.
Stentor: What will you miss most about the Stentor and Lake Forest College?
Overton: I will not only miss being informed of the latest campus developments and having the privilege of reporting them to the campus community, but I will also miss working with such a talented and dedicated staff.
Stentor: What are your plans after graduation?
Overton: I have the unique opportunity to graduate a full year early from Lake Forest College, so I am attending the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Law to pursue my JD this coming fall. I hope to become an environmental lawyer and focus on environmental justice issues.
Stentor: What have you learned from your time on the staff?
Overton: That it takes passion and perseverance to produce a quality publication, but even the most dedicated person needs a supportive and committed staff to make the publication a reality.
Stentor: What did you enjoy most about your role as Editor-in-Chief?
Overton: As Editor-in-Chief, I have enjoyed leading the staff of the Stentor, and also the opportunity to grow the presence of the Stentor. Through our work to develop our social media (Instagram @lfc_stentor and Facebook @lfcstentor1857), increase our staff, collaborate with the College’s journalism classes, bring paid advertisements back to the print edition, and finally, to enter (and receive awards from!) student journalism contests, we have elevated the status of the Stentor, and I am incredibly proud of our accomplishments.
Stentor: Is there something you have learned during your time at Lake Forest College that you want to share with others at the College?
Overton: Get involved! There are so many campus clubs and organizations that you can be a part of (including the Stentor), and your involvement will only enhance your college experience.
Stentor: Is there anything you want to share with the next generation of Stentor staff and/or readers?
Overton: Thank you to the campus community for your continued support of the Stentor! Your readership ensures that we can continue this legacy of the Stentor, which has been publishing since 1887. Also, we are always looking for new writers! You do not need prior journalism experience, and by joining the staff, you have the opportunity to earn Pass/Fail credit via the Stentor practicum, JOUR 200.
Lauren Gantt – A&E Editor

Stentor: When did you join the Stentor and why did you decide to join the staff?
Gantt: I first got involved in the Stentor at the beginning of my sophomore year as a writer for the A&E section. I continued writing in the section throughout the rest of my time at Lake Forest, including while I was studying abroad, and had a great time doing so. When I was approached to be the A&E Editor for this year, I jumped at the chance because I thought it would be an exciting way to get even more involved in the newspaper.
Stentor: What was your favorite memory/story/article from your time on the staff?
Gantt: I’ve really enjoyed all of my articles that I’ve written. I’d say one of my favorite parts of working with the Stentor over all of the years, not just this year, was becoming friends with the previous A&E editor over the years of working together.
Stentor: What will you miss most about the Stentor and Lake Forest College?
Gantt: This is a tough question. In regard to the Stentor, I have loved being involved in putting together a newspaper and I love writing about books and other A&E topics. I’ve written almost twenty articles for the Stentor and it will definitely be weird not writing an article every month. For Lake Forest College overall, I’ve been remote since March 2020 so there’s so much that I’ve already . . . missed and handled my feelings around those. I would definitely say my friends are what I’m going to miss most but I’m also going to miss my job at the bookstore, Tusitala, and the Stentor as well as just campus and the tight-knit community in general.
Stentor: What are your plans after graduation?
Gantt: I’m planning on pursuing my Master’s in Publishing at the University of Roehampton (located in London, England). After that, who knows! There’s a lot of places my Lake Forest degree and this master’s degree could take me job-wise, but right now the goal is to find a job at a young adult/children’s book publisher.
Stentor: What have you learned from your time on the staff?
Gantt: I’ve learned a lot about the behind-the-scenes of the newspaper and how difficult it can be putting together a monthly issue and handling deadlines. I’ve been involved in another publication on campus as well and the process [of] putting together a yearly issue is completely different. Seeing firsthand the similarities and differences has been a great learning experience.
Stentor: What did you enjoy most about your role as A&E Editor?
Gantt: I would say getting to know the behind-the-scenes of how an issue is put together has been interesting. Also, getting to interact with different staff writers and read so many interesting articles this year was wonderful.
Stentor: Is there something you have learned during your time at Lake Forest College that you want to share with others at the College?
Gantt: Join extracurriculars! Specifically, join extracurriculars that you enjoy. They don’t have to be only related to your degree path, either. There are so many awesome organizations on campus for a variety of interests and passions. Don’t limit yourself to just one, but also be mindful of a healthy time balance when joining many because you don’t want these extracurriculars to become a burden. Basically, just have fun with them!
Stentor: Is there anything you want to share with the next generation of Stentor staff and/or readers?
Gantt: Enjoy your time at Lake Forest College. It’s a great school with a lot of great opportunities for students. Take chances, explore outside of your comfort zone, and make sure you’re not going to look back on your time with regrets for not doing something. And don’t forget to squeeze in some awesome books!

Stephanie Carlson – Associate Editor and Sports Editor
Stentor: When did you join the Stentor and why did you decide to join the staff?
Carlson: I joined the Stentor in November of 2019. I was new to Lake Forest College as a transfer student and was desperate to get back into writing for a college paper. I joined the staff because it seemed like such an amazing opportunity to get to know students better and to work with an amazing team of students with a similar love for journalism.
Stentor: What was your favorite memory/story/article from your time on the staff?
Carlson: I really enjoyed working on athlete spotlights. It was a really amazing experience getting to know individual athletes so well. I loved hearing about their journeys, and how being a part of their teams changed their lives.
Stentor: What will you miss most about the Stentor and Lake Forest College?
Carlson: I will miss working with such an amazing team of writers. We worked so incredibly hard writing articles, editing, and ultimately creating stories that matter and make a difference.
Stentor: What are your plans after graduation?
Carlson: I am currently on the job search, hoping to work in the communications and public relations field. Hopefully, I will be moving into the city soon after graduation.
Stentor: What have you learned from your time on the staff?
Carlson: I have learned that student-run newspapers are more important today than they have ever been. With everything going on in our country, the world, or even just our communities, having this platform for discussion is so important.
Stentor: What did you enjoy most about your roles as Associate Editor and Sports Editor?
Carlson: The thing that I enjoyed most about being the Sports and Associate Editor was being able to step out of my comfort zone getting to know a whole group of students that I may not have been able to if I was not in this position. Becoming the Sports Editor was certainly not where I thought I would end up but have enjoyed it immensely.
Stentor: Is there something you have learned during your time at Lake Forest College that you want to share with others at the College?
Carlson: I have learned to fully embrace the opportunities that college offers you while you have the chance. There is no other time of your life like the time you spend in college, take advantage of it while you can.
Stentor: Is there anything you want to share with the next generation of Stentor staff and/or readers?
Carlson: Be bold and do not be afraid to push yourselves. Working for a student newspaper can be an amazing opportunity that can open many doors for your journalistic future.

Kacie Whitman – Features Editor
Stentor: When did you join the Stentor and why did you decide to join the staff?
Whitman: I first joined the Stentor as a freshman in a photographer capacity. Coming into college as an aspiring English Literature major, I wanted to immediately get involved in the newspaper. Halfway into my junior year, I re-joined the newspaper as a Features Editor to help students celebrate stories of fellow students and raise awareness on important issues impacting the college campus. Being a part of the Stentor staff has allowed me great connections with Lake Forest College peers, kept me in the know of what topics students find relevant to delve into, and provided me with writing opportunities I can feature within my resume/portfolio.
Stentor: What was your favorite memory/story/article from your time on the staff?
Whitman: My favorite memory from my time on staff is interviewing Huron John for his newly released single “Arthur.” Interviews are a passion of mine and getting to amplify his story for the College to hear was a highlight during my time on staff with Stentor. I am excited to see the newspaper continue to feature artists like Huron John on-campus or within the Chicago area for our readership to learn more about.
Stentor: What will you miss most about the Stentor and Lake Forest College?
Whitman: I will miss [the] Stentor’s collaboration with students and Lake Forest College the most. By being a part of the newspaper, I felt more involved in campus matters and had a responsibility to ensure all students were represented in our monthly issues.
Stentor: What are your plans after graduation?
Whitman: After graduation, I intend to move to . . . Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood and find employment within the realm of publishing and marketing. Currently, I am in the midst of interviewing with a publication company that is quite promising.
Stentor: What have you learned from your time on the staff?
Whitman: From my time on staff, I’ve learned the power of lending a helping hand to all on the team. Be it staff writers or the Editor-in-Chief herself, I am happy to help where need be. I believe teamwork is at the core of the Stentor and is the reasoning as to why our student organization remains so strong.
Stentor: What did you enjoy most about your role as Features Editor?
Whitman: What I enjoyed most about my role as a Features Editor was highlighting students via interviews I conducted on my own or assisting students in their interview process for upcoming articles. It has been a joy to see students’ articles come to fruition within the Features section. There is an excitement to see your byline in the newspaper or notice a fellow friend represented in an issue.
Stentor: Is there something you have learned during your time at Lake Forest College that you want to share with others at the College?
Whitman: Lake Forest College offers an array of opportunities for students via extracurricular organizations that I sincerely recommend every student should look into. Whatever passion you may have outside of academia, there is a student organization composed of people who love the same niche or interest you do. Get involved, make new friends, and enjoy the ability to further your insight on a passion of yours.
Stentor: Is there anything you want to share with the next generation of Stentor staff and/or readers?
Whitman: If there is a College friend whose accomplishment you want to be noticed or a topic you hope the College could expand on, this is where the Stentor can be of service to you. We are a collective group of students who are [ready] and eager to write stories that matter to you. Feedback from our readership is critical and deeply appreciated by the Stentor staff. And should you be interested in participating in the realm of journalism on-campus, there is a place for you here [on] the Stentor.

Maryam Javed – Opinions Editor
Stentor: When did you join the Stentor and why did you decide to join the staff?
Javed: I joined the Stentor in March 2019 and I decided to join [the] staff because I wanted my voice to be heard on issues that I am passionate about.
Stentor: What was your favorite memory/story/article from your time on the staff?
Javed: My favorite article from my time on staff was actually a book review I wrote on the Girls of Riyadh.
Stentor: What will you miss most about the Stentor and Lake Forest College?
Javed: I will miss sharing my voice with others in the Stentor and the amazing team of colleagues I work with! Throughout my time at Lake Forest College, I have achieved so much personal growth. I will miss the serenity the campus offers and all of the professors who have guided me throughout the years.
Stentor: Any other comments/stories/insights you want to share?
Javed: “What you seek is seeking you.” Rumi